Oxycom for indirect and direct evaporative air conditioning systems including hybrids

beGREEN's provides the state of Art Technologies to Qatar through Oxycom products is to deliver a healthy indoor climate that makes people feel and perform better in every season inspired by nature. To develop and produce today’s most practical and energy-efficient solutions that point to the future of climate control.

For additional heating and/or cooling (i humid climates), a hybrid configuration with a heat pump or compressor cooling can be integrated to allow for set-point climate control without compromises.

Key Features:
• Ventilation
• Heating Recovery (dynamic)
• Humidification
• Dehumidification
• Free cooling
• Indirect adiabatic / evaporative cooling

Indirect Adiabatic Cooling:
• Oxycell four seasons fresh air exchanger
• Meets the EU ERP ecodesign 1253 / 2014 directive
• Eligible for EIA (NL)

For more information and product range: www.oxy-com.com

For sales and costs: Oxycom@begreentec.com

fresh cool